Logitech g13

Red Faction Armageddon Logitech G13 Profile



Red Faction Armageddon

The Logitech G13 default profile for Red Faction Armageddon was poorly written and had the old macro keys. I created a Red Faction Armageddon Logitech G13 Profile just because I started playing and I wanted a better profile. Re Faction Armageddon increased the number of keys used in the game.

I never used berserker in the game, so I placed it in a more out-of-the-way place than might be useful for those who do use it. I recommend replacing the impact or shell with the berserker if you use it more. The layout in the screenshot below worked for me. On the mouse, I kept the melee and jump actions.

Red Faction Armageddon Logitech G13 keyboard layout
Red Faction Armageddon Logitech G13 keyboard layout